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Cyclists 4 Community President, Russ Chandler, was just looking for a nice early, morning ride.  While waiting for friends at Amante, his bike was taken.  Read part of the story below.

He then said, “A guy in jeans just grabbed it and is riding it down the sidewalk along Broadway right now.” I paused for a second thinking “he is pulling my leg” as I turned around and noticed my bike was gone.  I jumped up immediately and ran for the door.  I took off my riding shoes and started running down Broadway in my socks, but the guy and my bike were already out of site.  I called 911 and reported the crime and then jumped in Cody’s car and we drove down Broadway, turning left onto Violet, thinking he might have gone that way.  We drove around as I spoke with the dispatcher and then went back to Amante to meet the assigned officer at Amante, She took down information from Cody and also one of the baristas that saw the incident.  I spent the rest of my morning going social on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, posting and passing out flyers all over north Boulder.

The bike was found in North Boulder by two runners who had seen the bike on Facebook.  Click here to read the whole story.

You or someone you know have a bike stolen?  Contact C4C, so we can let our community know to be on the lookout.

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