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Who’s Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is?

Sponsors and donors for safer and better cycling in Boulder County in 2023


Infrastructure Goals

Construction of the Jay Rd. segment of the LoBo Trail and feasibility studies for a Boulder – Lafayette and a Boulder – Golden paths.  $15,000 in contributions turns into $2,645,000 in outcomes towards zero cyclists killed.

Outreach Goals

  • Jamestown porta-potty #1 – $1000 – Payroll Vault Boulder
  • Jamestown porta-potty #2 – $1000 – _______
  • Gold Hill porta-potty #1 – $1000 – GravelRado (great rides with great friends)
  • Gold Hill porta-potty #2 – $1000 – GravelRado (great rides with great friends)
  • Mountain Fountain porta-potty – $2000 – Payroll Vault Boulder
  • Raymond Cabins and Store porta-potty – $1000 – _______
  • Altoona Grange porta-potty (pending permission) – $1000 – _______
  • Gold Hill School/Fire donation – $5000 – _______
  • Ned Gravel/Nederland Elementary Kids on Bikes Program – $1000 – _______
  • Scholarship TBD – $5000(?) – _______

Policy Goals

  • Staff and contractors getting stuff done – $50,000 – _______


Click the image or here to learn how to support safer and better cycling in Boulder County