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With Crank It Forward! 2019 in mind, here’s a summary of C4C’s work and exactly what donations to C4C pay for.



  • C4C donated $17,000 to Boulder County to pay for a variable message board.  The VMB’s language and location are dedicated to cycling related messages during daylight hours from April to November.
  • C4C donated $20,000 to Boulder County which qualified Boulder County for $80,000 in federal matching monies.
    • Once combined, the funds are paying, in part, for 45 Bicycle Friendly Driver classes in 2019 reaching 900 students, mostly commercial drivers.  The funds also contribute to community cycling education, bike education in schools, and “first and final mile” projects in the County.
  • C4C pays for the seasonal porta-potty in Jamestown, partnering with Jamestown to provide for the impact that cyclists have on the popular cycling destination.

In Progress

  • C4C is working to develop pilot online bicycle friendly driver and auto friendly cyclist content that can be widely scaled and adapted in order to reach thousands of people and cover broad content.
  • C4C staff advocates for legislation like SBs 19-012 and 175, sometimes in direct contact with legislators.
  • C4C staff has developed a working relationship with Boulder County to advocate for policies in the County Transportation Master Plan and its updates.
    • This work could begin a comprehensive approach to improved transportation policy and infrastructure.
  • C4C partners with peers in the community like Community Cycles and Bicycle Colorado, focusing on what we can agree on in order to make progress with good partners in the community.
  • C4C acts as a communications clearinghouse with things like its newsletters.
  • C4C is the nonprofit umbrella organization for Wednesday Morning Velo.
  • C4C has secondary projects like helping make bike lights affordable and keeping a reserve fund available in case of another emergency like flood or fire in the communities where we ride.
  • With board oversight from busy professionals in the community, C4C pays one, part-time staff person to manage its operations and make progress towards C4C’s mission and vision.
  • C4C is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit with board oversight on all operations and finances.
    • Donations are tax deductible