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Cyclists 4 Community commented at the November 8th public meeting of the Boulder County Commissioners regarding e-bikes on County paths.  C4C supported County staff’s option number two of three options on the topic.   Option two passed by a 2-1 vote of the commissioners at that same meeting.

Typical of staff recommendations in a public process, there were three options.  The first was for wide allowance of e-bikes.  The second was a thoroughly considered one year long pilot study period of type 1 and type 2 e-bike use on specified corridors.  The three types of e-bikes are defined by state law which, in turn, governs County regulations on the matter.

The third option could be characterized as an excessively strict interpretation of laws, regulations, and obligations of the County.  It received broad criticism from the public and even staff and commissioners noted its problems.

With the passing of option 2, calendar year 2019 will serve as a pilot of e-bike use on approved paths.  Simultaneously, staff plans to study their use in order to make better conclusions and policy at the end of the period.

C4C’s position is that the pilot allows County staff to make objective, evidence based conclusions on appropriate shared use of public rights of way resulting in maintained or improved quality of life in Boulder County.

Thanks for supporting C4C and its ability to participate in democratic governance of such matters.